The Importance of Having a Strong Point of View in Business
“Point of view is you explaining what you do and why you do it the way you do it. It’s you explaining what your approach is and why you think it will work.”
~ Tad Hargrave
Hopefully you know what you do and who you help, but can you clearly articulate why you do what you do the way you do it? Can you clearly articulate what your approach is?
If, for example, you’re a relationship coach who helps people to have healthier relationships, are you able to say how exactly you help them to achieve this? Can you clearly state what your methodology is? Do you have clarity on your particular angle on what it takes to have a healthy relationship?
This is what it means to have a point of view. Put another way it’s your unique business perspective. It’s why people would choose you over someone else offering the same service. It’s what makes you different. It’s the particular steps you have your clients take, to achieve the result they desire, based on what you think the solution to their problem is.
Most people don’t start out being fully aware of their point of view, it’s something that evolves over time as we work with clients and deepen our understanding of our industry and area of expertise. It grows and expands as we do, so don’t despair if right now…